Why It Matters
Social Security and SSI play a vital role in helping people with disabilities to live independently in the community and meet their basic needs. Many people with disabilities rely on benefits for much of their income. Discussions about Social Security, however, often focus on retirement and seldom address potential effects on people with disabilities in the retirement, disability, and survivor’s programs.
In recent years, inadequate funding of SSA’s operating budget has eroded the agency’s services across the board. People with disabilities have experienced increasingly long delays and decreased service in accessing critical Social Security benefits. Processing times for disability claims have grown, especially at the hearing level where delays have reached historic and intolerable levels. Behind the numbers are individuals with disabilities whose lives have unraveled while waiting for decisions — families are torn apart, homes are lost, medical conditions deteriorate, once stable financial security crumbles, and many individuals die.
What The Arc Is Doing
Because Social Security and SSI – along with related Medicare and Medicaid benefits – are so important to people with disabilities, strengthening the Social Security system and ensuring its long-term availability is a high priority for The Arc and the disability community.
Our Public Policy Goals
The Arc’s Public Policy Goals include many recommendations for strengthening Social Security and SSI and ensuring that these vital systems will be there for future generations.
Our Coalition Work
The CCD Social Security Task Force focuses on disability policy issues in the Title II disability programs and the Title XVI Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. The SSI and Title II cash benefits, along with the related Medicaid and Medicare benefits, are the means of survival for millions of individuals with significant disabilities.
Personalizing the Fight to Protect Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSI provides a basic standard of living for millions of people with disabilities and their families across the United States. Monthly SSI benefits help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities put food on the table and a roof over their heads; and in most states, SSI ensures access to Medicaid. SSI also plays a vital role in helping families raise children with significant disabilities in the family home.
Let your members of Congress know why SSI is vital to you.
How You Can Help
There are many ways to advocate with and support The Arc’s grassroots movement.
Help strengthen our policy advocacy efforts to protect critical programs.