Using technology is a vital part of participating in the community in today’s plugged-in world. Technology is integrated with many aspects of daily life, including transportation, employment, recreation, and social interaction.
In order to fully participate in community life, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) must have access to devices, services, and training that enhance independence, mobility, communication, environmental control, and self-determination. Designers, manufacturers, service providers, educators, and people with IDD and their families should be educated about the benefits of technology and trained in how to use it.
The Arc’s technology programs are designed to increase the effective adoption of technology by people with IDD and support technology companies to create accessible and usable products for people with IDD.
Opening Up the Online World to People With Disabilities
Digital technology is revolutionizing our day-to-day lives in new ways every day—but with rapid change comes barriers to understanding and access, including for people with IDD. As part of The Arc’s partnership with Comcast NBCUniversal, select chapters of The Arc are hosting Tech Coaching Centers to expand technology access, understanding, and confidence.
How You Can Help
Interested in getting more involved in our technology work? Learn how.